Making changes during the year

The benefit coverage you elect remains in effect for the entire calendar year. You can only change your benefits during the year if you have a qualifying change in status (e.g., you get married, have a baby) or another qualifying event in which benefit changes are allowed (see General Information in the Summary Plan Description [SPD] available on Rewards@Schneider).*

To make a change, go to within 31 days of the event (90 days* to submit at birth or adoption life event). The date the change in status occurs is considered the first day of the 31-day (or 90-day)  (or 90-day) period. You will also need to:

  • Update your personal information on BenefitsLink (e.g., add your new dependent, remove an ineligible dependent),
  • Make the applicable benefit plan changes (including enrolling any new dependents),* and
  • Upload proof of your dependent’s eligibility to BenefitsLink (preferred) or submit a ticket to PeopleLink on support@Schneider by the required time frame. If you do not submit the required documents, your dependent will not have coverage.

For more information on making midyear benefit changes, please visit Rewards@Schneider.

* NOTE: You do not need to wait to receive the child’s birth certificate or Social Security number to add them to your coverage. In addition, please see the SPD for limited circumstances involving the loss or gain of Medicare, Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program eligibility that may result in a 60-day window to request a change.